Helping You Support Your struggling Student

Knowledge Empowers

Your student doesn’t want to go to school in the morning, or perhaps is struggling to read, express thoughts, socialize appropriately, is disorganized, or is being bullied.  You walk into a meeting and face 5 school staff and feel overwhelmed with educational terms you don’t understand and are asked to sign a document that will shape your child’s educational future that doesn’t make sense.  Whether you homeschool, have your child in private school, or public school, we are here to help you navigate the system to identify and support your struggling student.

Founded by Jessamyn Putnam, we’ve had over 10 years’ experience in helping families gain a better understanding of their struggling student, available resources, and working within the educational system to get the supports your struggling student needs.

Customer Testimonials


Professional Services

We offer comprehensive document review and analysis services, helping you understand the numbers and terminology, how it relates to your child, and potential implications.

Meeting Support

While parents/guardians are the most knowledgeable person about their child and a valuable member of their child’s educational team, they don’t always know how to be heard in meetings.  We attend meetings to empower parental/guardian engagement.


We work with parents individually or in groups and speak at conferences and organizational events to grow knowledge of the IEP/504 process as well as mediation, negotiation, and collaborative techniques.